Be the change – become a volunteer.
You get to choose how you can help. We have a wide variety of volunteer opportunities available. Read through the different service positions to find out which is the best fit for you…then join us – you’ll be pleasantly surprised at the difference you can make! Interested parties will need to submit a volunteer application, which can be done below!
Volunteer Positions
Dog Advocate: Dog Advocates help to socialize and walk our dogs as well as provide enrichment, take animals on outings and to events, and assist in kennel maintenance. Dog Advocates must be able to work with dogs of various sizes and strengths. Dog Advocates must be 18 or older. This position has a 4 hour monthly time commitment. Children ages 8-17 can participate in a limited capacity with a parent, grandparent or legal guardian who is a Dog Advocate. (One child per one volunteer 18+).
Cat Advocate: Cat Advocates help to socialize and exercise our cats, as well as provide enrichment and assist in kennel maintenance. This position has a 2 hour monthly time commitment. Cat Advocates must be 18 or older. Children ages 8-17 can participate in a limited capacity with a parent, grandparent or legal guarding who is a Cat Advocate. (One child per one volunteer 18+).
Small Animal Advocate: The shelter frequently sees small animals such as rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters, and more. These furry friends benefit from socializing with our Advocates as well as cage maintenance. This position has a 2 hour monthly commitment and is open to anyone 16 or older. Children ages 8-17 can participate in a limited capacity with a parent, grandparent or legal guardian who is a Small Animal Advocate. (One child per one volunteer 18+).
Housekeeping: Our Housekeeping Volunteers assist in cleaning and upkeep throughout the shelter, as well as laundry and dishes. This position has a 2 hour monthly commitment and is open to anyone 16 or older. Children ages 8-17 can participate in a limited capacity with a parent, grandparent or legal guardian who is a Housekeeping Volunteer. (One child per one volunteer 18+).
Special Skills: Do you have any special skills that could benefit the shelter? We’d love to have you on our volunteer team! Lawn maintenance, handiwork, fundraising, photography- you name it, we can use it!
*Service Learning Hours/Projects for students will be based on staff/task availability. We unfortunately will not be able to accommodate everyone but will do our best! Volunteers must have access to email as this is our primary means of communication.
Community Service hours are not completed through our Volunteer Program. Community Service hours are on a case by case basis subject to availability. Please contact our Volunteer Coordinator directly in regard to your Community Service needs at
Please note that we have an open enrollment process for accepting new volunteers to allow appropriate time for processing applications and completing orientations. Are you visiting the page only to find that the applications are closed? No need to worry, check back during one of our open enrollment periods!
*January 1st *April 1st *July 1st *October 1st (the first 30 applicants will be accepted during each period) *
*ADVOCATE APPLICATIONS are currently closed*
Clean Up Crew ONLY: If you would like to assist in laundry and dishes as well as cleaning and upkeep throughout the shelter, you can become part of our Clean Up Crew! This position does NOT qualify you to work directly with any of our animals. By submitting an application to our Clean Up Crew Only position you can start helping as soon as your application is approved and you complete an orientation. This position requires a 4 hour monthly time commitment and is open to anyone 18+. In order to volunteer in other areas of the shelter you would need to first complete three months of service as a Clean Up Crew member and then submit a request to the Volunteer Coordinator.
We can’t wait for you to join us in making humane treatment possible for all living creatures.