Thank you all again! He is just the perfect cat for me! So affectionate. Wherever my hands are he wants to be. It is very challenging being on the computer when he is awake, LOL.
I started with him in my room and he was all over me and would explore for a little bit and all over me again and repeat. He could hear Azul (Newfie) on other side of door and could care less. After an hour or so-you might frown-I knew he was ready for more (I have had pets ALL my life). So I put up a 32″ tall foot baby gate to the doorway so he and Azul could see and smell each other. Again, he was not fazed. I went over the gate, sat on the couch, and told Azul to stay (he was laying about two feet from the gate). Within 30 seconds AT went to the gate, hopped on the top and to the floor. (I knew he could get over the gate and would do so when ready). He walked around Azul and jumped on my lap. After a few minutes he would explore a little and come back to lap again and repeat. He has explored the entire house, used his litter box, had a meal, and is taking a little nap.
He is REALLY smart too. Whenever I pet him, or he meows I say “AT”. Well he went to the top of his cat tree and drank some water. When I called “AT” he looked at me and did that tongue roll sound cats do in response and came to my lap. I truly feel so fortunate and am so happy to have a cat in the house again! Thanks so much for all you guys do for the animals! You are Earth’s angels! Darren