Your favorite fundraiser is back and with some improvements!
Santa Paws has confirmed he will be in town for one day only this year and he wants to see your pets, whether they have been naughty or nice!
Bring your pet, your family, your children or yourself and a $10.00 donation (cash or check) to get a color keepsake photo with Santa Paws!
Enjoy some baked goods and hot apple cider while you’re here, too!
Please be advised, 12:00-2:00pm is our BUSIEST time.
You may expect to experience wait times of up to one hour!
New this year:
To help with the wait time we are trying out a new system! When you arrive you’ll stop at the check-in table at the front doors. Give us a cell phone number and you will be assigned a number in line; this will allow you to hold your place without having to wait in the parking lot the entire time. Take this opportunity to drive around and look at Christmas decorations, shoot over to a store for some quick holiday shopping, etc. Keep your text notification sound on! Approximately 15 minutes before your turn you will receive a text message alert from our SantaPaws hotline. This is your cue to head back to the shelter if you are not already there. When it’s your turn you will receive another text letting you know to come inside! You are still welcome to hang out in the parking lot if you prefer, but we are trying to form a method to the madness!
Also new this year:
Santa Paws has agreed to stay an extra hour so he’ll be on site from 12:00-6:00pm. If you want to avoid the afternoon rush, come in the evening!