Do you love to crochet?
You can start making blankets for shelter pets today! Find out more here!
“Comfort for Critters was started by Linda Kastiel Kozlowski, after she adopted a kitten named “Anna,” and wanted to do something for all the pets which she couldn’t take home that day. Instead of bringing in old towels, as was suggested, she asked if she could crochet blankets for the cats and dogs, never envisioning she was starting on a road which would bring thousands of blankets into shelters across the US. She currently runs CFC as a business, selling a handful of blankets she makes each month, and writing ebooks which help other pet lovers make their own blankets! The net proceeds from the business pay to ship the hundreds of blankets she receives from volunteers each month. 100% of these blankets are shipped free of charge to 400+ animal shelters across the US. Linda loves all God’s creatures, from Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches to newborn kittens. She’s ad most of them as pets, as well! She endeavors to demonstrate that love by making blankets to comfort all the “critters” waiting to join families. She’s grateful to her many volunteers for truly paving the way on the Comfort for Critters journey!”